Friday, 26 October 2012

Asset Management

To make doing things easier, naming of files appropriately can be a boost in the right direction as this will allow you to easily identify what each file is without having to look at the file itself which saves time which is a luxury that some people don’t have, so doing this helps. As well as naming files appropriately, it’s also a good idea to name folders appropriately and make as many as is needed, such as a folder for storing textures, scenes and images when modelling games. This makes it much easier to identify where everything is easily. As well you could manage these files as well by putting more folders in the texture folder, such as having textures in one folder for certain objects/scenes which makes everything much tidier and much easier to manage. To sort out storage, it is best to save this on a cloud server and an external hard drive as well as its original location, this will prevent any unexpected errors from creating a loss of work.

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